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1. Sticky:[Feedback] Hotfix Delta Narrative - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Ace Starburst wrote: Just throwing this out there, both explosives and projectiles rely on a chemical detonation propelling metallic particles at high velocities. They aren't that dissimilar, therefore a 20/20 profile on projectiles wouldn't be...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.09.01 00:32:00
2. Sticky:[Feedback] Hotfix Delta Narrative - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
DeathwindRising wrote: Zindorak wrote: Heimdallr69 wrote: BlazeXYZ wrote: Projectile Weapons should be -10,+10. It makes sense compared to ARs. I agree with this ^, none of that -20/20 bs. yea if keepin -5/+10 isn't possible i wo...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.08.31 07:07:00
3. Sticky:[Feedback] Hotfix Delta Narrative - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Despite my rare presence in these forums anymore, I must make a post here. I find a CR nerf to -20/+20 to be completely UNACCEPTABLE. I do concede that in its current form of -5/+10, that is a bit imbalanced. However, as another poster said, again...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.08.31 04:14:00
4. A change to weapon proficiency. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Alena Ventrallis wrote: I am glad of the idea behind the change in proficiency, but I feel the implementation is all wrong. It encourages dual tanking, which is something we've been wanting to prevent. So we need proficiency to give a weapon a ...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.03.27 00:55:00
5. CLOAKS SHOULD DECLOAK WHEN... - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Ydubbs81 RND wrote: you shoot them...or if they get fluxed. Unless the cloaking device is a force field as well, you should decloak if you take any damage to shields or armor. Agree 100%
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.03.27 00:52:00
6. Fix those OP scanners ASAP - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Galvan Nized wrote: Arkena Wyrnspire wrote: They're already being nerfed to hell in 1.8, fear not. Snap shot scans too, which is neat. What are we meaning when we say "snapshot?" I think it just means an immediate scan, no scanning time. ...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.02.05 04:00:00
7. [Request] Disable friendly vehicle on vehicle damamage - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Yeah, this definitely needs to be fixed. I was in a tank coming down a hill in a complex and started to turn left. However some blueberries were coming down the hill in a LAV and hit my front tank fender as I came around the corner and exploded in...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.02.05 03:54:00
8. [suggestion] Modified SP for kills. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I don't think that'd work to well lol. There'd be no incentives for proto users anymore. I don't run it all the time, but sometimes i like to wear a suit every now and again in a pub match, particularly if those on the other side are using them. I...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.29 03:33:00
9. my maxxed shotgun dies to a RR at pointblank range. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Well, being an extensive RR user, I do have to admit that there is something wrong with it functioning so well for CQC. I actually try to use it for what it's for, by using it like a shorter distance LR. I stay out around 70-90m from people and pi...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.29 03:26:00
10. Toggle Minimap To Large Transparent Overlay - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
This would be helpful. I've gotten killed a few times checking the satellite map for what was going on by me. I also always carry a quantum scanner so my minimap/radar is actually useful.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.29 03:15:00
11. [Feedback] Equipment Nerf - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Draco Cerberus wrote: DJINN Jecture wrote: Jackof All-Trades wrote: Please rethink this. Slayer-logis are more incentivised more than ever in light of the nerf, and being a proper logi is discouraged. In short, it's more rewarding to be a...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.28 17:57:00
12. Tanks to stealthy - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Nobody has still been able to address why tanks every now and again won't show up on my active scanner sweeps (has to be a bug somewhere). Have had it happen more than once. Scanned an area, cleared out reds, and scanned again only to start moving...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.27 23:13:00
13. [Request] Make vehicles (very, very) detectable by passive scanning. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
There's been times where I can't even get vehicles to show up with my active scanners. Something wrong there.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.27 23:06:00
14. [Request] Release 1.8 Medium Suit Stats - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Been waiting to see the rest of medium suits as well. Slot numbers and cpu/pg levels are necessary to see lol.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.27 23:05:00
15. Glitch with the L3 button pushing fw - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Don't know what would be causing that, but I've been having movement problems of my own. it seems that about 60% of the time, if I use a scanner and then switch back to my weapon right away, I move super slo-mo until I use a melee attack. Automati...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.25 00:06:00
16. rail rifle is defently in need of a nerf. - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
There needs to be a damage nerf across the board to increase TTK. However, knowing CCP, they'll dismantle weapons again, one at a time. RR will probably be first on the chopping block followed by ACR.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.25 00:04:00
17. Give 1.8 heavies 100 more hp - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
NoxMort3m wrote: The hp difference from medium to heavy needs to be greater Umm, no. There's already enough fatsuits running around using RRs.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.23 02:14:00
18. Why CCP are you taking my Logi reps Why - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
No, you're not the only one. I try to be an actual logistic role but also still able to help teammates in a firefight. I don't like that passive repair removal anymore than you do. If there's no passive reps for gallente logi suits, like there alr...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.20 19:29:00
19. [Request] Limit the H slot to weapons with the H tag - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
Sgt Buttscratch wrote: Too many fail ass player running heavy suits with RR/AR/CR/SCR as a crutch to hide terrible gun play. ***** getting old. The heavy frame should be a Heavy weapon specialist ONLY, if they wish to run the light weapons the...
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.19 16:25:00
20. [Feedback] Menus are slow and unresponsive - in Feedback/Requests [original thread]
I hear you 100%. Have had these exact same problems. The restock menu is slow, but I've really noticed recently that right at the opening of matches, switching suit fits and spawning takes way way longer than it should.
- by LEHON Xeon - at 2014.01.18 00:16:00
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